Sunday 27 October 2013

Tree Plantation Drive

In the month of august three tree plantation drives were organized at different venues and on different days enlisted below:

1. The very first was done on 04.08.2013 at Mira Model School with the help of Interacts and Rotaracts. About 15 Rotaractors and 14 Interactors participated in the event and about 65 plants were planted in the school ground.

2. The second programme was done on 08.08.2013 in District Park, Janakpuri. This Project was in Collaboration with the local MLA. About 40 trees were planted on this day.

3. The third programme was done on 11.08.2013 on Chaukhandi Road and about 85 plants were planted on the road divider. Parent Club President RTN. Rakesh Anand and Director of Youth Services Rtn. Vivek Sardana were the chief guests on the event. Rotaractors again with the help of Interactors of Mira Model School made the programme a success.

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